Maria I. J. Reich
shaping rich worlds of sound

© Dovile Sermokas


Impro Workshop for Strings 21/03/2025 in Berlin
with Maria Reich
More infos soon

by Maria Reich
on Relative Pitch Records (NYC) - Artwork by Reni Meyza
"I’m not sure whether INTERDEPENDENZEN is so rewarding in spite of, or because of, its humble process: Reich assembled the album from solo field recordings made using her iPhone. Like the best field recordings, the player and the instrument are only part of the story – the lo-fi sound expressively captures the sonic qualities of the spaces where the recordings were made, and the approach gains impact from the haze of reverb in the sound space that creates an aura around the playing. Nothing here is by chance, and Reich’s imaginative playing and organized concepts are always clear. [...] I especially love the “World in(forms) us,” built around a descending theme that you could imagine being played by a string orchestra, but here presented humbly and winningly as a soft pizzicato quietly played near the violin’s bridge. Sometimes (well, pretty often) “experiments” in sound can bore the listener, but not on INTERDEPENDENZEN. Reich uses simple low-tech tools to create fascinating sonic worlds. I initially had this music on in the background, and it kept diverting my attention from other things – a sign of a captivating approach as well as deep ideas."
- The Necessary Blues
"The violin becomes a vivid sonic entity with its own independent voice, embracing all sounds, dirty and rough, touching and lyrical, melodic and percussive. Reich sees the beauty in all of them, as well as their insconspicuous and imperceptible interdependence that weaves between all things." - Eyal Hareuveni, Salt Peanuts
"Each piece here is fascinating in its own way, hence it works at reflecting a variety of vibes or inner-eye films for our imaginations. I often got the feeling that Maria Reich was tapping into ancient ritualistic traditions which are long buried in our collected memories. A most impressive debut from the ever-dependable Relative Pitch label."
- Bruce Lee Galanter, DMG
"In howling waves, with tingling, pecking pizzicato, rough, shimmering, creaky scarping - fantastic technique and a bittersweet attention to thorny reality conveyed by Rilke and Gregory Bateson."
- Rigobert Dittmann, Bad Alchemy
"The melody and the artists's breathing blended with the surroundings are the components of almost every story. If post-folk, then raw, deformed by the smell of civilization, if dance, then feisty, energetic temperamental."
- Trybuna Muzyki Spontanicznej

Release of the album "Poème"
by Reich / Baumgärtner / Pringle
on stssts records (Cologne)
„Dieses Trio will gehört werden – und zwar sehr aufmerksam. Wer der Intensität, mit der Maria Reich, Mark Pringle und Moritz Baumgärtner ungewöhnliche Klanglandschaften entstehen lassen, genau zuhört, entdeckt viel Ungewohntes und manch Unerhörtes. Da werden musikalische Grenzen ausgelotet; mal kantig und romantisch, dann wieder mit pulsierender Intensität. Musikalische Tabus gibt bei diesem Zusammenspiel von Geige, Klavier und Schlagzeug eigentlich nicht, Viel mehr wird in erfrischender Freiheit ein eigenständiges Klangbild geprägt, das Freiheiten erobert - irgendwo zwischen Klassik und Jazz und Avantgarde….“
- Friedhelm Schulz, MPS November 2023
Töne und Sounds im freien Flug.
Ein Trio mit drei Fliegenden.
Ein Trio mit drei Steuernden.
Ein Trio mit drei Zuhörenden.
Wichtiger als ein fixierter Landepunkt ist die Poesie der Bewegung.
Die Intuition treibt die drei mal hier- mal dahin.
Ein Trio mit drei Neugierigen.
Ein Trio mit drei Uneitlen.
Ein Trio mit drei Gleichgesinnten.
- Ulf Drechsel, November 2023
“Scintillating swashes of starlight and shadows. The tone, in all its varieties, is luminous and evocative. The give-and-take of these three players is extraordinary – free, sensitive, fearless in following each other to interesting spaces.” - Stephen Nachmanovitch, Bestseller Author of “Free Play” Improvisation in Life and Art
Man muss sich einlassen auf die Musik dieses Trios. Gibt man ihr aber die nötige Zeit, sich zu entfalten, kann man wunderbar eintauchen in die faszinierende, frei improvisierte Klangwelt von Maria Reich, Mark Pringle und Moritz Baumgärtner. Die nicht häufig zu hörende Kombination Violine, Klavier und Schlagzeug / Percussion klingt mal aufwühlend und voller Reibungen, aber auch sanft tastend und suchend. Poesie für die Ohren.
- Thomas Loewner, deutschlandradio
"Exquisite chamber music full of nuance and colour, never lacking in direction and drive. Three fine exponents of Berlin's new wave of improvisers in a delightful and thought-out constellation. Risky, rich, varied. Unashamedly moving between abstraction and the concrete, maximal and minimal, sound and silence“
- Tom Arthurs
Summer 2024
Thankful for the scholarship by Berliner Senat to work on my composition cycle called "CARE WORKS" for Large Ensemble this year.
May 2024
Happy about the premiere of Sinfonie der Gegenwart , played by Ensemble Reflektor and commissioned by PODIUM Festival Esslingen. SWR was there, too!
April 2024
My solo album INTERDEPENDENZEN will drop soon on relative Pitch Records. Also, follow me on Instagram @marytherichest or FB on more regular updates.
April 2024
Happy to be part of Nick Dunston's new release COLLA VOCE, check it out!
September 2023
So happy to start teaching "String Improvisation" as Lecturer at HfM Dresden from now on. Looking forward to meeting my new students!
September 2023
Our new trio album with Pringle / Reich / Baumgärtner will be out on stssts records by Pascal Klewer on December 15! So much looking forward to bringing this music to you!
May 2023
"Interdependenzen", my solo debut album, will be released by Relative Pitch Records in 2024. Looking forward! Thank you Musikfonds for the support of the process.
February 2023
Happy to work on new string & wind arrangements for singers as Line Gøttsche and Masha The Rich Man these weeks.
December 2022
Thankful to receive a new scholarship by Musikfonds to work on solo improvisations during the next six months. Working title: "Interdependenzen".
October 2022
I had the pleasure to write comissioned poetry and lyrics for Ula Martyn-Ellis and for the release of Martin Grünewald`s piano album.
September 2022
I am in Roma, Italy, now for seven weeks. Also, Ensemble Reflektor invited me to write some music for them. Looking forward! Get in touch if you are in Rome! Very thankful for my summer collaborations with many wonderful musicians such as Laura Totenhagen, Eve Risser, Julia Kadel, Cymin Samawatie, Julia Hülsmann, Kathrin Pechlof, and many more.
June 2022
I got invited to the Female Film Composer Class of Soundtrack Cologne. Looking forward to meet and connect!
June 2022
Trickster Orchestra received the TONALI Award. Thank you!
May 2022
We went to the studio with Moritz Baumgärtner & Mark Pringle. Stay tuned!
April 27th 2022
Trickster Orchestra just received the Deutscher Jazzpreis in the category "Großes Ensemble des Jahres" (Large Ensemble of the year).
April 19th 2022
Ambiguity Unfolding, Au Fond, Delaylay and Resolve are out today on Verlag Neue Musik. More infos here.
April 17th 2022
Happy to receive a new scholarship by Deutscher Musikrat for continuing to work on my compositions for strings for the following months.
Febuary 10th 2022
My works for string quartet will be published at Verlag Neue Musik. Looking forward to the print edition!
Febuary 1st 2022
Very happy to receive funding by Musikfonds for my Duo collaboration with Jonas Urbat. Looking forward to creating new music!
January 7th 2022
Petter Eldh invited me to be part of Koma Saxo´s new album, it will be out on We Jazz Records, 18 March 2022. Looking forward!
October 8th 2021
Jonas Urbat and me just released our first single together: "It Is Time". It is based on a poem by Paul Celan, translated by Michael Hamburger. Great mix by Nanni Johansson and mastering by Frida Johansson. Now on all digital platforms.
August 22nd 2021
Very happy to receive funding by Musikfonds for my Duo collaboration with Mark Pringle (piano).
June 28th 2021
There is a release date for my poetry collection Kompost: It will be out on July 11th 2021! Looking very much forward.
June 8th 2021
I will give an improvisation workshop for Bundesjugendorchester (national youth orchestra of Germany) in July 2021. Looking forward!
May 21st 2021
Release Day of Fabia Mantwill´s debut album EM.PERIENCE at xjazz music. I led the viola section and played solos on the tracks Kumbukumbu and Festival at High Noon.
May 21st 2021
Release Day of Lander´s Single "Daily Life". I added strings to it. Available on all digital platforms now.
May 19th 2021
I just got invited as part of the staff for Open Jazz Jam Summer Camp happening at Aarlborg (DK) from the 26th until 29th of July in 2021. Looking forward!
More infos on the camp here
May 14th 2021
You can check out the commissioned text for the DSO Berlin concert now online.
May 1st 2021
I am invited as a guest professor for the improvisation workshop hosted by Ring für Gruppenimprovisation at exploratorium Berlin. It will take place from May 21st in the evening until noon of May 23rd. You can still apply until May 15th! More infos here.
April 8th 2021
I am starting another online seminar about improvisation in the classical concert. You can still apply until April 30th via my contact formula. For more infos please read here.
March 20th 2021
Working on a new commissioned text for DSO Berlin as my writer´s alter ego Rhea Niema, a monologue about the universe... It is part of their program "planet rotation" and will be premiered on May 22nd in a streamed concert.
February 4th 2021
I´ve just had a nice Kick-Off for my Online Seminar about Klassik & Improvisation. Improvisation always played a major role also in classical music but was forgotten as a valuable art form in the concert context. I´ve done research on this topic for over 7 years now and I still discover so many interesting perspectives on it.
If you are interested in joining the next seminar, drop me a line. There will be seminars in English, German and Spanish in the future.
January 20th 2021
I just finished the production Moon Music at Neuköllner Oper Berlin for which I wrote a monologue for the moon, arranged music and played the viola and the electric bass.
January 15th 2021
Happy New Year Everyone! The video about the Historical Windmill in Potsdam Sanssouci that I composed and recorded part of the music for is now online (see Media). Nicolas Haumann shot a beautiful short film about it. Thank you to Jonas Urbat and his Sound.WERK for inviting me.
December 16th 2020
I just received my copy of "Classical Concert Studies - A Companion to Contemporary Research and Performance", Edited by Martin Tröndle with my chapter on The Forgotten Art of Improvisation in the Classical Concert. Thank you, Routledge!
December 12th 2020
So relieved and happy about a scholarship that I received today by the Senate Berlin to continue working on my compositions for string quartet until the end of May 2021. I will keep you posted.
November 2020
I will publish my first collection of poems. 77 poems that I wrote within the last 18 years, limited edition of 111 pieces worldwide. In the editing process now and sooo much looking forward!
Foto: Dovile Sermokas